Choral Speakers of BUDIMAN , Kami Hebat Jugak ! =D

Subhanallah . Alhamdulillah . syukur sangatsangatsangat . Team Choral Speaking skolah kita dapat wakil daerah ke peringkat negeri Khamis ni . Legaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . penat lelah terbayar . demi Allah aku tak expect semua ni . duk ingat just nk dpt 2nd place B ja laaa . taksangka boleh dpt 1st duadua category plaktu . Punyalaaa excited melompat . kalau buleh tinggi lagi tu , mau pecah ceiling dewan Pulau Nyiok hat besaq gilaaaaaa tuu . ohmy , aku nangeh teruk kud td . pesyen sensitive jugak aku pun . dr habeh speaking smpai dpt result aku still meleleh . sumpah aku bt banyak salah td . rasa mcm nak kalah ja sbb AKU sorang . mampuih . HAHA . jenuh depa duk mujuk aku td . kesiann . HAHA . Ya Allah . Ni semua berkat doa cikgu2 , kawan2 , parents kat rumah samaa . Aku tau bapak aku tersayang sentiasa doakan aku , bg smgt kat aku . legaaaaaaaaaaaa lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;P
Thanks to semua . aku bangga jadi sebahagian dari hampa . semangat aihhh ! HAHA . Diharap bertendang ya tuantuan dan puanpuan . Kita baru melepasi fasa pertama . Lagi 2 kali ja lagi sebelum dpt wakil Malaysia pi Dunia . Pastu menang baru boleh lawan dgn warga asing kat mars , pluto , neptune semua . tudiaaaaaaaaa XD . menang lagi jadilaa the best in Universe pulak kann . merapu cukup mau . hahaha . anyway terima kasih sgt2 kat semua sbb bg commitmen gilagila . aku harap lepas ni kita lebih gilagila lagi . tell everyone , BUDIMAN's the best ! Jangan lupaa solat , jgn tggai , doa byk2 , baca yasin , tawakal , istighfar byk2 , buat baik dgn semua orang , barulaaa nikmat nama dia . ceramah pi sikit kan . dah excited sgt dah ni . stg sasau pulakk ; p
okay . besok latihan . lusa tulat , smpai khamis . everyday everytime , ptg , malam . tak siasia kita lenguh kaki , cramph , nak pengsan , jatuh bangunan , sakit perut pa semua . hei , berkorban ! we need to sacrifice our time semuaa . jgn complain ! aku nak menang ! I peduli hape ape korang nak cakap ! -____-

For all teachers , Puan Morni , Puan Soliha , Puan Ruzina , Puan Roshimah and Puan Sabarina . THANKS SO MUCH ! YOU ALL ARE THE BEST TEACHERS EVER . WE LOVE YOU GUYS ! Thanks again okay semuaaaaaa . I love you all so muchhhh . sumpah syg hampa semua ! supporters was awesome ! keke .

*ayah sayeeee kate : memang kite patut dapat ape yg sepatutnye kit dapat ;)

16 April 2011 =)

Oneday bersama Sir Jackson and Sir Khairul Anwar together with majority classmate , 4 Delta buat jamuan perpisahan utk sir-sir cutiepie berdua ni . Depa nak pindoh doh T_T . Takpo2 . abaikan dulu naaa . takmau mood sedih2 lagi lani ;)

Aku taktau pasaipa yg happening sgt harini . Sumpah taktau . Gila pesyenn -____-

Nah amik hang . buat eksyen teruk aku nih . patut pun teruk . oh abaikan ;)

Photographer smentara utk harini dekat KFC td ja rasanya aku ni . Random nak mampuih tadi . environment kat situ td jd mcm kat wad 18 hospital bahagia . hingaqnyaaa masyaAllah . kalah berukk . tapi sumpaaaah hepii . orang kat atas yg duk makan semua pakat balik habeh taklalu nak makan tgk kami . yg duk berlappy dari guna headphone smpai tukaq ke earphone sumbat habeh apa ada . jiran sbelah kami hat duk smbut birthday pun tak riuh sekampung cem kamii . jealous kod depa . balik awai ja . kesiann . HAHA

depa depa hat pompuan ni pakat duk main phone . mentang mentang aku kolot tak pakai phone . *pasrah lagi >.<

Ni ketibaan yg amat berhormat la katakan . Nasib baik tak lambat . HAHA

Aku heran . nmpak2 depa ja teruih aku trun bwh snap pict . duk ingat aku paling awai . rupe rupenyee cik nani chan lagi awai dari aku . perghhh makhluk nih . *excited melampau la tuu XDDD
Sebaik shaja tuan vvip pijak red carpet , mulalaaa riuh rendah satu KFC . aku mcm besa la kan . peng'candid' terbangang . tgkap la gmbaq . punyala excited pgg camera smpai aku pun takbuleh makan . dush dush !

Buuuuuuudaaaaaaaaaakkkkkk !

Eshhhh . duk berasa macam nak pi cekik cekik ja budak nii sorang . mengada ! baru padan dgn muka . duk sorang2 . takdak sapa nak main dgn hang . aku takmau aih . tak layan hanggg la buuuuuudaaaaaaaaakkkkkk ! esh . pi main hauh jauh la jgn duk kacau akuuu . pasaipa taktau budak ni . makannn budaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakk ! cekik hang cekik hang cekik haaaaaaanggggggg !

GAT AWAY FROM MY BACK wahai kanak-kanak hyper . pi tidoq ! lewat dah . besok sekolah . aku lambat pulak la besok sbb hg . nak bangun pun jenuh kena kejut . nak mandi jenuh kena seret . tau la hg kecik tp hg BERAT tau dak ? tak sedaq lagi tuu . pi shuh shuh . sebokkkk ja ! shuhhhhh ! >.<

♥ Jerry ♥

Useless me . Im the most non hearted person . I've killed many lives . My hamster , hamtaree , my rabbit , dee . even my latest cat that I love the most among of them , Jerry . I didn't let them to live freely , comfortable and nice . I give them the worst life . I give them the worst place ever to sleep . I give them the worst , terrible food to eat . Also i didn't wash them cleanly . I just let them doing that by themselves . I was so scared to doing all that . its too dirty to clean their places , it was to annoying to wash them everyday . they gave me PROBLEMS ! My mom always scoldingggg me . i was so irresponsible . She was so dissappointed with me . Until one day , Jerry was missing . at that time I was so worried . where he could've been ? merajuk ka ? he hates me ? ohmy . then I searched for him every single time . Two days later , he came back . His legs was full of wounds . He's too weak to walk by himself . then took him to my room . I cleaned his wounds . but it was too painfull . so i decided to take him to clinics . He has been treats so well there . then when i took him home , i gave 100% attention to him . I washed him everyday , i feed him , i gave him medicine every night . At that time I realised all my mistakes . I love him more more and more after that . But then , one day , Jerry wanna go to the toilet nearby , he walked away then he collapse ! I was sooo worried . I sob so hard until I lost my voice . when he try to wake up , he fall down , he cannot walk anymore , HE CAN'T DO ANYTHING accept for whispering miowww miowww slowly . I gave him some food , but he can't swallow it . i gve him some mdicine but he refused . My heart crushed hardly pranggg . Then , one of my friend told me to give my cat some honey mix with water . SHOCKED . He drink it ! I was soooooo HAPPY . He looks better than before . i was so blessfull ! I cry again and give my thanks to Allah :)
Then , a few days later , Jerry had a bleeding . I took him to hospital , but doctor said " I DON'T THINK HE CAN KEEP LIVING WITH HIS CONDITION LIKE THIS " . at that time , prangggg . i lose all hope . i feel like , im dying . PENYESALAN YANG TERAMAT . doctor said , treat him well . -yes doctor . thanks -_-
After a few weeks he'd been lying on his bed weakly , he died . In my arms . Can't deny that i feel so terrible towards him and myself . bad me . But also i feel happy to take a good care of him before his death . I can feel it until now . he was like my own baby . I can't forget him . I love him so much . I want to thank him for making my life happy again . Thanks so much sayangg . I love you . I hope we can meet again in syurga one day , InsyaAllah . Wait for me okay syggg =')

Thanks to Admin Hannie for helping me and my cat . Honey is good for our body . keke . Nad , amirah , nani chan , anis fairuuz . thanks jugak sbb hampa dh bagi semangat kat aku . I called nad right after Jerry's death . keke . melalak aku .
*SORRY FOR SOME BROKEN WORDS . Terima Kasih semua ^^,

Multicoloured Macaroons ;)

Serving instructions

Makes 20 |
Takes 45 minutes to make, 15 minutes to cook, plus cooling |

Macaroons are coming back into fashion in a big way.Carefully follow the recipe for perfect macaroons that will wow your guests.
tried and tested
Multicoloured macaroons


175g icing sugar
125g ground almonds
3 large free-range egg whites
75g caster sugar

For the filling

150g butter, softened
75g icing sugar


1. Preheat the oven to 160°C/fan140°C/gas 3. Whizz the icing sugar and ground almonds in a food processor to a very fine mixture, then sift into a bowl.
2. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt to soft peaks, then gradually whisk in the caster sugar until thick and glossy. (At this point you can stir in flavour extract, such as peppermint or lemon, and corresponding colouring such as blue or yellow, to your meringue mixture, depending on what kind of macaroons you want – see chef's tip. Or divide the meringue among different bowls if you want to make more than one colour.)
3. Fold half the almond and icing sugar mixture into the meringue and mix well. Add the remaining half, making sure you use a spatula to cut and fold the mixture until it is shiny and has a thick, ribbon-like consistency as it falls from the spatula. Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a 1cm plain nozzle.
4. Line 2 baking sheets with baking paper. Pipe small rounds of the macaroon mixture, about 3cm across, onto the baking sheets. Give the baking sheets a sharp tap on the work surface to ensure a good ‘foot’. Leave to stand at room temperature for 10-15 minutes to form a slight skin. This is important – you should be able to touch them lightly without any mixture sticking to your finger. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool.
5. Meanwhile, make the filling/s (unless making chocolate macaroons – see chef's tip). In a bowl, beat the butter until light and fluffy, then beat in the icing sugar. (You can now add flavouring or nuts, and colour – see chef's tip.) Use to sandwich pairs of macaroons together.

By Lizzie Kamenetzky

Pelengkap Cinta ;)

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya:"Ketahuilah bahawa dalam jasad manusia ada seketul daging (segumpal darah), jika baik maka baiklah seluruh anggota dan jika rosak maka rosaklah seluruh anggota, itulah hati" (Riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Diri manusia terbahagi kepada dua iaitu fizikal dan spiritual. Spiritual tersebut termasuklah akal, nafsu, perasaan dan yang paling utama ialah hati kerana tindakan, prilaku dan sikap seseorang dipengaruhi oleh hati.

Hati dan perasaan haruslah dijaga dari sifat-sifat yang merosakkan. Ia hendaklah dipandu ke arah jalan yang betul berdasarkan ajaran Islam yang sebenar. Jika tidak, hati akan dikuasai oleh nafsu dan syaitan yang menyebabkan pelbagai penyakit seperti hasad dengki, tamak, pemarah, riya' dan sebagainya. Maka untuk membersihkan hati yang kotor hendaklah membiasakan diri dengan berzikir, bertasbih dan bertahmid kepada Allah.

Seorang yang mencintai seseorang yang lain dalam keimanan, tidak akan menyiksanya, mengherdiknya, menghinanya. Sebagai contoh, seorang suami yang beriman kepada hari akhirat, akan tidak mampu menghina isterinya kerana takutkan balasan akhirat. Seorang suami yang beriman, akan takut hukuman Qazaf yang mana kesaksian orang yang memfitnah isterinya berzina tidak akan terpakai selama-lamanya andai tidak membawa saksi bersama-sama dengan tuduhan.

Begitu juga seorang Isteri yang beriman. Hatinya akan mencintai suaminya dengan nilai cinta yang sejati. Sebagai isteri, dia tidak akan membiarkan suaminya terjerumus ke neraka kerana dirinya. Dia akan bertahan dari mengumpat atau menceritakan kekurangan-kekurangan suaminya kepada orang yang tidak berhak. tambahan lagi jika dia menceritakan kekeruhan rumahtangganya di FACEBOOK!.

Sama sahaja andai seorang itu seorang PEMIMPIN, hatinya cantik andai dia berIMAN, seorang rakyat juga begitu, seorang anak, guru, murid, masyarakat, sebut siapa sahaja jenis manusia, andai IMANnya baik, hatinya baik, perlakuannya akan BAIK.

Tidak wujud seorang yang berperangai TERUK tapi dia mengatakan "Hatiku baik sebenarnya". Jika hati baik, perlakuannya akan menjadi baik.

Masuk ke SYURGA juga dengan hati, yakni hati yang sejahtera dan ucapan SALAM SEJAHTERA!

سَلَـٰمٌ۬ قَوۡلاً۬ مِّن رَّبٍّ۬ رَّحِيمٍ۬

"(Mereka juga beroleh) ucapan salam sejahtera dari Tuhan Yang Maha Mengasihani"

(Surah Yasin 36: Ayat ke 58)


- Ustaz Penang


jemmmm . serve you right la makkcikkk . orang dh kata jgn duk pi cari masalah dia duk pi cari lagi . dah kata jgn duk masuk class pure sci. nk jugak masuk . amikkkkkk hanggggg ! dgn bio lg , chem , physics , addmath jgn kta laaa . pstu baru hg nak kaluiiiittttt . dgn notanya , latihan , assignment , peka , pekak smua ada aihh . Ingat la makcik oi . hg bukan rajin tara mana pun aih . tudia gatai . yes ! duk la depan ni sampai besok . nanti spm tah kemana jgn kta nk pi oversea . nak keluaqqqqq Kedah pun tak lepaihhhh aihhh . Ha tudiaaaaa . Ayat piauuu . HANG PI BELAJAQ LANI ! HANG PI LANI JUGAK ! hg dh tak hantaq bio-score . l.chem , addmath semua tak hantaq . haaa mampuihhhhh . Buleh dak taktau takdak keja sekolah macam gunung . bg bukit pun mimpi aku nak buat . tu hat berEVEREST tu nak lempaq mana ? eshhh tobat tobat la diri sendiri diri aku oiiii . panaihhh perut mak ja tengok hang laguni >.<

I should ,,

I should love my Allah
I should love mak ayah
I should love myself
I should love my life
I should love everyones around me
I should take a deep breathe before doing something
I should be more loving
I should make a possitive change in my horrible life
I should make everyone happy
I should try that thing
I should studying more more and more
I should not to waste all my money
I should not be like a setan
I should believe all faith
I should not badmouthing others
I should not dying for loving someone that will not be mine
I should doing more and more and more that I should be doing -___-

I want this . I want this . I want this .
Yes ! I want this . buy me one for free please >.<

My Words To Him T_T

둘이 손잡고 걸을때 , 마주보며 또 웃을때
사랑한다 말하지 않아도 알아
널 만나러 가는길에
내 입가에 늘 환한 미소만이
흐르고 있어

사랑해 너를 사랑해
눈물나도록 사랑해
저기 밤하늘의 별보다
보석보다 니가 더 소중해
얼마나 내가 얼마나 너를 사랑하는지
내 모든걸 너에게 줄께
속상하고 힘이들때
열이나고 아파할때
옆에서 늘 힘이되준 사람 너야
집에 돌아오는 길에
내 귓가엔 늘 너의 음성만이
흐르고 있어
사랑해 너를 사랑해 , 눈물나도록 사랑해
저기 밤하늘의 별보다 , 보석보다 니가 더 소중해
얼마나 내가 얼마나 너를 사랑하는지
내 모든걸 너에게 줄께
세월지나 많이 변했을때
미운 나의 손을 잡아줄 사람
먼 훗날 아주 먼 훗날 우리 눈감는 그날에
나를 사랑해준 너에게 고맙다고 후회는 없다고
사랑해 나만의 사랑 다시 태어난대도
내 사랑은 너하나 뿐야
영원히 너를 사랑해





Persahabatan yg d ikat ats dasar kbendaan ataupun kduniaan , tdk akn d berikan ganjaran phala oleh Allah . pshabatan sbegini lazimnya tdk akn kekal dn bthan lma . ssungguhnya , dunia atau bnda akn binasa juga akhirnya . maka , apbila bnda yg mnjadi tali utk mngikat dua org yg bshabat e2 ilang , pshabatn yg tjalin akn ilang / tputus bgitu sja .justeru , Allah SWT , mnghendaki stiap hmba-Nya spaya mngikat pshabatan dgn tali Allah . hsilnya , pshabatn e2 akn kekal wlaupun sdah mati sbgaimana kekalnya Allah SWT .

- Siti Sarah Anum bt Hashim ;)

Love That Never Was by Monalisa Minz

It was the first year of my college. We were in the same class but he never saw me. One night i was crying by my hostel window missing my friends back at home and this was the first time he saw me. It was like we fell in love.

We kept on looking at each other for a few minutes when a flash of lightning brought us to reality.

The chemistry was beyond our understanding. We had never felt such a strong pull towards each other. but the pull was for sure. slowly the eye locks started increasing and it became a common feature of the campus. our love was budding slowly. and it was something that both of us liked. i thought i was in love.

But reality crashed right in front of me one night. It was a similar night the day when we first saw each other. we were working on the same project. and it was like everything was awesome. But that stormy night was different from the rest. As i entered the common room i heard him talking on the phone. he was speaking to his friend. He said that all that he was having with me was fun and there was no such hassle of love or things like that. it was a short fling.

Within a few moments the earth slipped below my feet and i was numb for a second. the first time in my life i was at loss of words. i did not know where i went wrong. it was just that the guy that i had chosen had never loved me. All this time i thought i was in love but it was a ll a short fling for that person. it was mainly coz he had never loved me. and i thought i was in love with him. for months i kept on trying to figure where i went wrong but all that i got in return were empty answers.

Today i have become strong. i don't cry as usual but the old memories very often hit on the shores of my mind. and in one part of my heart i still love him for he was the first person i ever loved and first love cannot be forgotten soon.

I didn't hope for this TT___TT

B to the I to the C to the T to the H

foolinglicious . hang tak guna tau dak ? mulot pesyen duk jilat cabai . ha tudia pfft
i've never thought she'll be like that . i thought that she's the one of my besties . but her trashy annoying mouth makes herself even more ******* than ever . keeps lying here and there , badmouthing others , sneaking guys , overacting life . such a poor rutine . kesian . even nak kutuk aku pun , don't give excuses kalau nak kutuk kawan2 aku yg lain okay ? fine . aku pengecut . coward lembu . mengutuk belakang cemni tak face to face . kan ? but I think you're the way coward menglembu than me . boleh laa duk menipu kat orang lain , but please . I can't be fooled anymore . sebelum ni hang buat aku macam taik . but a thousand times sorry , aku bukan taik . aku tak pentingkan muka . dh Allah bg kat aku macamni , tak penah aih aku merungut " **** muka aku hitam,parut byk,burn merata , gigi rongoih, takguna sungguh MUKA NI " . sorry to say tp HANG MEMANG MACAM NI .
Im not a heartless person okay . okay fine nak kutuk aku . go on . jangan kutuk kawan-kawan aku hat lain naa . jgn ingat aku takdak limit . kesabaran aku pun ada tahap . okay dear ; )
Don't worry . I was told about EVERY SINGLE THING pasai hang . be happy KAWAN ;)

Firework - Katy Perry

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,
drifting through the wind
wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
like a house of cards,
one blow from caving in?

Do you ever feel already buried deep?
6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow
And when it's time, you'll know

You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through-ough-ough

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

I adore this again and again ;)


seorang yg mendapat benda baru , yg lama dilupakan . aku lupa blogging . aku ingat tumblr . twitter . formspring . fb? harap maaf . annoy tu
hey hey. kfine aku tak betoi sikit